Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This is your Chance;
Your one chance, your only chance; to make an impact, to make things happen. I will be Big In Japan? After an evening trolling the Internet in search of inspiration, I stumbled upon a casting call for actresses wanted in Japan... And it got me thinking. Why not just up and go, Will I get another chance? I don't actually want to be an actress or even famous for that matter, but wouldn't it be fantastic to just do it? Simple things like this get my mind ticking and my heart beating. Who says you can't just do things just because? I assume life is there for the taking so I may as well take it while I can.

But then come the rational thoughts; will I finish my degree, what about money, what if I Fail? So now I'm at a crossroads; to hang up my coat and become a Nana or to live my life out of a scene of Gone With The Wind. Oh, the latter sounds far more exciting but I probably should grow a backbone first.

Oh My, so many ideas rattling around up there... What would you do? For now I will live within my means to a motto of Carpe Diem (or YOLO to you uneducated folk); which I suppose is kind of a consolation prize... Right?
EllaParis x

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Daniel Lorenzetti
Ode to the Simple Cuppa
Coffee is a given morning staple. The hot, black liquid beckons you out of bed, whispering "you'll survive the day, I promise"... This under-rated beverage is just there for Life moments; whether it be catching up with family and friends or hearing bad news the steaming cup is not far away. Coffee is more than an addiction it's a way of life, it has been there silently lurking for hundreds of years. There is never too much fuss or praise for good coffee but as soon as a cold or burnt mug is put down in front of you, there is hell to pay.

This morning I realized just how much I appreciate this simple luxury. On a cold winter morning, with a thirteen hour day at university looming, this gorgeous elixir drew me out of my slumber in a frame of mind to tackle the day. And all was well. This was until my mid-morning skinny cappuccino; the service was poor, the coffee burnt, the cup dirty. Why make the job of the humble coffee bean even harder? The experience made me realize just how much I rely on my daily pick-me-up of a good cup of Joe.

The next time you indulge in a good cup of coffee; Enjoy it and all of your first-world problems will melt away.
EllaParis x

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Of times gone by...
EPV aims to be the epitome of Vintage... To some the word 'Vintage' conjures ideas of forgotten treasures waiting to be rediscovered, and to others it haunts them of musty mothballs and decaying Nanas.

To me I find Vintage to be more of a statement of style rather than a fashion. From a time when garments were crafted with care and love rather than mass produced for whatever the Fad Fashion is said to be. I don't set out to be 'trendy' or even deck myself head to toe in Pre-loved clothing but I find that I identify with the style in the fact that care must be taken when constructing an outfit. It's not about 'how rare' or 'how expensive' a piece is, if it's worn well and with confidence anyone can turn a cheap staple into a statement item.

I think the fascination with Vintage isn't really even with the items of clothing themselves but it stems from the sadness that the romance in dressing has slowly faded to be replaced with convenience and practicality. I believe that everyone has the right to feel great in what they are wearing and should take pride in whatever ensemble they may don.

In the words of Coco Chanel "Fashions Fade, But Style is Eternal"...
EllaParis x

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Stolen from: Yvan Rodic
Another Day, Another Dollar
Hello Monday Morning,
I'm sure you're all as pleased as I am to watch the weekend fade away and enjoy another Monday roll around - You'll get used to my sarcasm, I promise...
*sigh* Yet another Monday morning; time to hit reality and catch up on everything you should've-but didn't- do on the weekend. For me it's realising how far I am behind in the house work and my studies, but let's not dwell on that.
Monday's also symbolise 'pledge-to-self' day's. Whether it be improving my studies, being a better friend, starting a diet, or all of the above; it always falls on a Monday. Today's new beginning is a focus on my fitness, this is a regular 'will-start-tomorrow' for me but this time I'm serious... I've just kicked off a new job in Brisbane in a fitness store and must admit, I feel like quite the impostor when dishing out sporting advice. But all is well, I figure if I can get into the "fitness" thing then maybe I can relate to my customers who suffer from Monday-itus too. Yesterday I got decked out in new gear so hopefully that forces me to get into action and get out there.

So, hello Monday; I accept your challenge and will beat you at your own game, this time. Goodluck on your Monday pledge- I hope you can own your Monday too!
EllaParis x

Friday, August 3, 2012

Click to enter

Broken Promises...
Sorry Guys and Dolls, only three days in and I've already let my posting slip by. Life has been getting in the way of things again. I'm hoping this post redeems some of the lack of attention I have shared with this blog over the past few days.
ATTN: Brisbane Folk (or GC road trippers) if your looking to do something Vintage fun this weekend there are a couple of one off events. Ofcourse there are plenty of niche, cutesy markets on this weekend, but these two events look pretty rad.

Today (Saturday 4th Aug) Vintage Fair in the Whale Mall is being hosted at the Queensland Museum from 10am. Not only will you get to sift through racks of gorgeous vintage clothing and rummage through tables of accessories, you will be surrounded by the beautiful Museum setting. WIN WIN for anyone who attends! (Sadly, I have work commitments so I will have to sit this one out)

Otherwise, if your looking for something a little more OutDoorsy, Pop on down to the RockLea Showgrounds and check out Greazefest, full of Rockabilly chic accessories, clothing and people accompanied by some great music and Stunning HotRods and Vintage Cars. What's not to love? A day frolicking in this well deserved sun alongside some great company and tunes! Greazefest wraps up tomorrow afternoon and is on til 'late' this evening. So get movin' and shakin' and get on down there for a fantastic day!

Please accept my weekend line-up as a form of apology for being so lazy the past few days... Have a Splendorous Weekend, Whatever you decide to do!

EllaParis x

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

*insert Topical Blogpost ____HERE*
I'm as patriotic as the next person, but I must make mention that I have always felt that the Olympics is possibly one of the most over-hyped events around. I mean, why interrupt my life to tell me some guy threw a shot-put further than some other dude by 0.2mm or some wanna-be-super-human got done for Roid-Rage? What is the role of these Athletes outside filling their pockets and enjoying a free all expense paid EuroTrip? Until today I had no real idea what it meant to be an "Olympian" or what exactly they did with their time outside of the once-in-a-blue-moon event. But it turns out they do quite a bit... 

This morning I was invited along to listen to a key note speaker at a Leadership Forum on the GoldCoast. Lara Davenport (2008 relay-team swimmer) was presenting on what it meant to be a leader, I was skeptical as to what an Ex-somewhat-recognizable-Olympic-token would know about facing difficult challenges in the real world, but I went along anyway. 

To say the least, I was astounded by the commitment and mental strength she had shown throughout her career as a swimmer and even more impressed by her down to earth attitude in terms of where she's headed and what she'll become. At one point, Lara recited the "Olympic Club" passage (which all Olympians are given upon admission into the Olympics) and left a resonating impression among those in attendance. "Don't let outside pressures spoil your dreams"... I understand that phrase is aimed at hard-working, focused athletes but it is just as relevant in everyday life. It seems the role of Olympians within our society is simply to inspire excellence.

Well played Ms Davenport, I have officially been converted.
aussieaussieaussie oioioi!
EllaParis x

Monday, July 30, 2012

A Little Bit of Nostalgia for Your Tuesday Morning...
In keeping with Yesterday's promise, I am trying to ensure that this blog remains an active source of all things EPV, quirky, vintage and (to use a cliché) inspirational...

"For the Mo-Mance" was a bit of an ode to Movember that was created last year... So, although it's not a fresh piece of EPV, I thought it would be fitting to pop it in here as a bit of "Vintage" EPV - Just to touch base with the roots of the label. Sadly, I must admit, the backing track has become ridiculously over played in the mainstream media (but we'll cope with that). 

Anyhow, I hope you are all enjoying your Tuesday's and, like me, are dreaming of Spring as it really is Just Around The Corner... Eeeeep!

EllaParis x